• Antioxidant in Food Safety and Sustainability

Antioxidant in Food Safety and Sustainability

  • Price $155.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507650
  • Availability: In Stock

Antioxidant foods and ingredients are an important component of the food industry. Antioxidants can also be used in food technology, not only to improve the biological properties of food, but also to extend the shelf life of food by the prevention of the oxidation of food ingredients. This book explores the possible uses of natural antioxidants as additive and components of functional food formulations. Critical analysis of natural antioxidants as additive in food is also covered, addressing food safety and health benefit for the consumers.

Print ISBN: 9781682507650 | 155 $ | 2022 | Hardcover

Subject: Food Science and Nutrition

Editor: Alfredo Meneses

About the editor: Alfredo Meneses is currently working as associate professor in the Food Processing and Safety Department of Food Science. His interest lies on food emulsions; structure-function in foods; biodegradable packaging; food engineering; micro/nano encapsulation; food powders/food drying. He has contributed to food technology/science; aquaculture; fruits and vegetables and nuts; food safety; HACCP; food processing; bioactive components; shelf life foods; food engineering.