• Meat Quality and Safety and Microbial Analysis

Meat Quality and Safety and Microbial Analysis

  • Price $155.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507629
  • Availability: In Stock

The main attributes of interest of meat are safety, nutritional value, sensorial properties, lipid composition, oxidative stability, and consistency. In addition, there is growing awareness of the link between diet and health and this is reflected in the demand for more information and for products which are healthy and of consistently high quality. This book covers different aspects of muscle biology and meat biochemistry and discuss factors affecting meat quality and sensory properties, contribution of beef to human health. It is well known that development stimulates an increase in the demand for high-quality protein, and, among candidates food, is, undoubtedly, meat and meat products.

Print ISBN: 9781682507629 | 155 $ | 2022 | Hardcover

Subject: Food Science and Nutrition

Editor: Arlene Raffo

About the editor: Arlene Raffo, PhD, is Professor working in the department of Food Science and Technology. Her teaching interest topics are meat antioxidants, Antioxidative enzymes, Antioxidative potential of meat and meat products, improvement of Antioxidative properties of meat and meat products, antioxidants stability in meat systems. In addition, she has also keen interest in meat quality; animal husbandry; sensory analysis of animal products; fermented meat products; dry-cured meat products; Food composition; beef quality; pork quality; poultry quality; consumer science.