• Traceability in Food Science and Technology

Traceability in Food Science and Technology

  • Price $155.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507582
  • Availability: In Stock

A traceability system needs to identify the unit that is being traced. It needs to document the joining and splitting of units in the supply chain. This book aims to cover different analytical strategies which are used to trace foods through conventional and high-resolution techniques of the OMICs sciences. A traceability system allows an organization to document and / or to locate a product through the stages and operations involved in the manufacture, processing, distribution and handling of feed and food, from primary production to consumption. 

Print ISBN: 9781682507582 | 155 $ | 2022 | Hardcover

Subject: Food Science and Nutrition

Editor: Roya Gharbali

About the editor: Roya Gharbali, PhD, is associated with the department of Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology. Her research interests include chemistry analysis, analytical chemistry, Food safety, food contact materials, contaminants, chromatographic methods, polymers, and recycling. She has written Several papers on food microbiology; Food safety; bacteria; yeasts; adhesion; biofilm formation; functional food; beverages; and acetic acid bacteria.