• Foodborne Microbial Pathogen Control in the food industry

Foodborne Microbial Pathogen Control in the food industry

  • Price $155.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507032
  • Availability: In Stock

Foodborne pathogens are a concern for both public health officials and the food and dairy industries. This book outlines recent developments in molecular biology and their current and future applications for detecting and identifying existing and emerging foodborne pathogens. Foodborne pathogens continue to cause major public health problems worldwide and have escalated to unprecedented levels in recent years. The book, consequently, focuses on important food safety concerns such as the potential presence of pathogens in food as well as their toxins/metabolites, the resistance to antibiotics or sanitizers, and other virulence characteristics. The book contains wide-ranging coverage of foodborne pathogens and their mechanisms of pathogenesis, control and prevention, and detection strategies. It offers broad coverage that provides a foundation for a practical understanding of diseases and to help researchers and scientists manage foodborne illnesses and prevent and control outbreaks. 

Print ISBN: 9781682507032| $ 155 | 2021 | Hardcover

Subject: Food Science and Nutrition

Editor: Martino P. Rodríguez