• Organizing Nonprint Materials

Organizing Nonprint Materials

  • Price $150.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507704
  • Availability: In Stock

An ever-increasing amount of information - covering educational and recreational interests - is being produced in a wide range of Non-print formats. There is no absolute right or wrong way to organize nonprint materials, because libraries differ so much in their scope and their facilities. The main purpose of the academic library is to provide collections and services in support of higher education. This book provides an overview of the availability of non- print materials and situation of bibliographic and physical organization of non-print collections together with the librarians' attitudes towards media resources. 

Print ISBN: 9781682507704 | 150 $ | 2022 | Hardcover

Subject: Library Science

Editor: Robin D. Couch 

About the editor: Robin D. Couch is associate professor in Information Science and Information Systems. He holds an MSc in Information and Knowledge Management and completed an MBA in Information science. His current research interests are in applying human-centred design viewpoints to solving the societal challenges in the age of digitalization and, particularly, artificial intelligence in the context of research libraries.