• Library Science and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies

Library Science and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies

  • Price $150.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507292
  • Availability: In Stock

Administration and management are age-old processes that have driven the human race through its culture to the present 21st century, and life would have suffered immensely if these practices had not been in place. At present, library is a living force for popular education and the place of the public library in the social life of the citizen for the all-round development is of utmost importance in the modern days. At the time, the library management system is coming into being and is slowly becoming an important part of the construction of information. This book provides an approachable yet thorough introduction to the often complex field of public library administration. The book also outlined the integration of e-books into academic libraries, administration of e-book collections, and e-book usage in academic libraries. Highlighting a range of pertinent topics such as digital libraries, information sciences, and academic libraries, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for academicians, researchers, practitioners, and librarians seeking current information on the subject. 

Print ISBN: 9781682507292 | $ 150 | 2021 | Hardcover

Subject: Library Science

Editor: Kaijun T. Ruiyi