• Storage and Retrieval Innovations in Digital Libraries

Storage and Retrieval Innovations in Digital Libraries

  • Price $150.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507285
  • Availability: In Stock

The new technologies in libraries have the potential to transform the global production environment and will need to be applied in ways that mitigate and respond to the impact of library environment. The volume of information being created, generated and stored is huge. Without adequate knowledge of Information Retrieval (IR) methods, the retrieval process for information would be cumbersome and frustrating. Studies have further revealed that IR methods are essential in information centers for storage and retrieval of information. This book presents up to date research and reviews on retrieval and storage methods for digital library systems, a mushrooming field of data sourcing. This book offers solutions to these challenges, providing data placement techniques, scheduling methods, caching techniques and emerging characteristics of multimedia information. 

Print ISBN: 9781682507285 | $ 150 | 2021 | Hardcover

Subject: Library Science

Editor: Hao Han