• Family therapy

Family therapy

  • Price $150.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507872
  • Availability: In Stock

Family therapy is a type of psychological counseling (psychotherapy) that can help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts. The book presents up-to-date coverage of recent advances in family therapy practice. It provides a summary of efficacy and effectiveness research for family therapy. The book covers efficacy studies for a number of mental health problems and concerns including conduct disorder, substance abuse, depression and a number of other mental health problems.

Print ISBN: 9781682507872 | 150 $ | 2022 | Hardcover

Subject: Psychology and Counselling

Editor: Xu Jiang

About the editor: Xu Jiang, PhD, is serving as associate professor in the Department of Clinical and Dynamic Psychology. His research expertise includes clinical psychiatry; biological psychiatry; psychopharmacology; pharmacogenomics; neuroimaging in psychiatry; suicidology; and clinical psychology. His teaching interest topics are emotional distress disorders; transdiagnostic risk factors; brief CBT; and quantitative methods.