• Marine Ecology and Oceanography

Marine Ecology and Oceanography

  • Price $165.00
  • ISBN: 9781682508831
  • Availability: In Stock

Marine ecology and oceanography study the intricate relationships between organisms and their marine environments. By examining the physical and biological processes in oceans, including nutrient cycles, ocean currents, and food webs, we can better understand the dynamics of marine ecosystems and address pressing issues like climate change, overfishing, and pollution. This book integrates the ecosystems of the world's oceans, exploring the interplay between organisms and their environment. It covers topics such as marine biodiversity, oceanic currents, and the impacts of human activities on marine ecosystems, providing valuable insights into the fragile balance of our oceans.

Print ISBN: 9781682508831 | $ 165 | 2024 | Hardcover

Subject: Environmental Science

Editor: David Hayden

About the Editor: David Hayden, PhD, is a distinguished Professor of Natural Science who specializes in studying marine ecosystems. He has conducted extensive research on various ecological issues related to coastal environments, delving into their structure, controls, and land-sea connections. His work also encompasses the examination of how urbanization and deforestation affect coastal ecosystems, and he actively contributes to the management and preservation of these environments. Moreover, Professor Hayden is involved in shaping international environmental policies, emphasizing the importance of global collaboration to address ecological challenges.