• Natural Hazards and Disaster Preparedness

Natural Hazards and Disaster Preparedness

  • Price $165.00
  • ISBN: 9781682508817
  • Availability: In Stock

Understanding natural hazards is essential for effective disaster preparedness. By studying the causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies of natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, we can develop early warning systems, emergency response plans, and resilient infrastructure to minimize the loss of life and property during catastrophic events. This book examines various types of hazards, such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes, and provides insights into disaster preparedness, response, and recovery strategies, helping communities and individuals better cope with such events.

Print ISBN: 9781682508817 | $ 165 | 2024 | Hardcover

Subject: Environmental Science

Editor: Marc Brian

About the Editor:  Marc Brian is a highly accomplished geologist with a PhD degree. He has made significant contributions to the field, with over 40 research papers and 60 research articles and reviews published in esteemed peer-reviewed journals. His research focuses on various facets of natural hazards, encompassing the prediction of catastrophic events, effective risk management strategies, and the exploration of precursors associated with both natural and technological hazards. With his expertise and extensive body of work, Marc Brian has established himself as a respected authority in the field of geology and natural hazards