• Diversity and Inclusion in the 21st Century

Diversity and Inclusion in the 21st Century

  • Price $160.00
  • ISBN: 9781682509098
  • Availability: In Stock

In the 21st century, fostering diversity and inclusion has become essential for building equitable and inclusive societies, recognizing and valuing the differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, and other identities, and promoting equal opportunities and representation for all. This book addresses the importance of diversity and inclusion in contemporary society. It explores the challenges and opportunities associated with promoting diversity in various contexts, including education, workplace, and community. It also examines strategies for creating inclusive environments and fostering social equity.

Print ISBN: 9781682509098 | $ 160 | 2024 | Hardcover

Subject: Social Sciences

Editor: Mikami Hosmer

About the Editor: Mikami Hosmer, PhD, a proactive academician and outstanding researcher in Social Work, is widely recognized for his contributions to the social work profession. With over 35 years of teaching experience in the Department of Social Work, Hosmer's expertise and dedication have positively influenced countless individuals. His work in promoting diversity and inclusion has garnered significant respect within academic circles.