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  • Understanding and Addressing Student Misbehavior

Understanding and Addressing Student Misbehavior

  • Price $160.00
  • ISBN: 9781682508763
  • Availability: In Stock

Understanding the underlying causes of student misbehavior is essential for effective intervention. By implementing strategies such as restorative justice practices, behavior contracts, and individualized support, educators can address the root causes of misbehavior and create a positive and conducive learning environment for students. This book provides educators with a comprehensive framework for understanding the underlying causes of student misbehavior and implementing effective interventions. The book explores various factors that contribute to misbehavior, such as social-emotional issues, academic challenges, and environmental factors.

Print ISBN: 9781682508763 | $ 160 | 2024 | Hardcover

Subject: Education

Editor: Richard Hull

About the Editor:  Richard Hull, PhD, an experienced University Professor and Professor of Special Education, brings a diverse background in education to his work. He has served as a secondary school science and art teacher, a university biotechnology teaching laboratory director, and an educational consultant. With his extensive experience, he has authored or coauthored five books on educational topics. Hull's expertise lies in understanding and effectively dealing with student misbehavior, providing insights and strategies to address this issue in educational settings.