• The Theory and Practice of Teaching Modern Languages

The Theory and Practice of Teaching Modern Languages

  • Price $145.00
  • ISBN: 9781682503577
  • Availability: In Stock

A modern language is any human language that is currently in use. The term is used in language education to distinguish between languages which are used for day-to-day communication (such as French and German) and dead classical languages such as Latin, Sanskrit, and Classical Chinese, which are studied for their cultural or linguistic value. This book looks at the ways in which languages can be taught, and at the topics that highlight the practical methods that will help teachers get the best results. This text brings together research topics written by experts in the thriving field of language
teacher education from a variety of geographical and institutional contexts.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68250-357-7 | $ 145 | 2017 | Hardcover

Editor: John Harris