• Information Technology in Hospitality

Information Technology in Hospitality

  • Price $140.00
  • ISBN: 9781682503423
  • Availability: In Stock

Information technology (IT) has had profound impacts on both the capabilities of organizations in the hospitality industry and on how consumers select their hospitality services. By applying appropriate IT solutions, service providers are able to go beyond the practices they pursued in prior years, many of which have focused on distribution at any price. This allows hotels to craft value propositions and hospitality service opportunities for customers that exploit new opportunities to delight them and meet their unique needs. Information systems form a fascinating and rapidly expanding field of study. Hospitality traditionally lags other sectors in adopting information technology but this has changed in recent years. The intent of this book is to serve as a medium through which both researchers and the hospitality industry may display and exchange ideas and develop the corpus of knowledge.
Print ISBN: 978-1-68250-342-3 | $ 140 | 2017 | Hardcover

Editor: Lee Yaan su