• Qualitative Research  in Consumer Psychology for Marketing

Qualitative Research in Consumer Psychology for Marketing

  • Price $150.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507353
  • Availability: In Stock

Consumer psychology looks at these reactions in the context of studying the human brain. Qualitative research is important for gaining a broad understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations behind consumer decisions. The book emphasizes examining empirical data, showing others how they could examine the same data to check the study’s findings, and contribute to a systematic body of understanding. This book places emphasis upon qualitative consumer psychological research approaches and procedures including ethnographic and cultural analyses. Within the context of this book the adoption of psychological approaches implies that the researcher will attempt to maintain an analytical perspective and will keep exemplary documentation when conducting consumer behavior research.

Print ISBN: 9781682507353 | $ 150 | 2021 | Hardcover

Subject: Business and Management

Editor: Laurette Coghlan