• Performance and Innovation Management in Today's Organizations

Performance and Innovation Management in Today's Organizations

  • Price $150.00
  • ISBN: 9781682507162
  • Availability: In Stock

Innovation is widely recognized as a critical source of sustainable competitive advantage that organizations can use to cope with the rapidly changing business environment. The concept of innovation has attracted the attention of many scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Studies have suggested that creativity and innovation in products, work processes and services are key contributors to long-term organizational survival and success. The purpose of this book is to fill this research gap by analyzing how the utilization of Innovation Management Techniques influences the innovation performance of firms. This book compiles theory and practice, drawing on the latest research in organizational behavior, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Print ISBN: 9781682507162 | $ 150 | 2021 | Hardcover

Subject: Business and Management

Editor: Charlie M. Eriksson