• An Introduction to Criminal Psychology

An Introduction to Criminal Psychology

  • Price $140.00
  • ISBN: 9781682503157
  • Availability: In Stock

Criminal Psychology refers to the intersections of psychology, criminology and criminal justice. It studies offenders and offending behavior in order to improve the investigation of crime by adding a psychological component, such as in Offender Profiling.  It also concerns the study of offender rehabilitation to establish what works in reducing re-offending. Additionally, criminal psychology is concerned with analyzing and improving the criminal justice system; enhancing police interviewing, detecting deception, or examining courtroom psychology and jury decision making. The study of imprisonment has taught us many important lessons about group behavior, conformity and the ability of prisons to rehabilitate offenders. This book provides the reader with a comprehensive and practical guide to psychological research and techniques. The book should be of interest to students, academics, researchers and practitioners with an interest in criminal behavior.
Print ISBN: 978-1-68250-315-7 | $ 140 | 2017 | Hardcover

Editor: Devid Russil